General Description

The MW_TS_MUX core is designed to multiplexer different transport stream and produce a single TS stream output. It is composed by MW_MUX_IN core that operate in conjunction with the MW_MUX_OUT core. The first core handles a single MUX input port and performs the pre-processing operations necessary for the MW_MUX_OUT core to correctly generate an output TS stream. Mux_in builds the database of the contents available in the TS, filters incoming programs, dropping unwanted PIDs, forwards the selected PIDs either to a bandwidth estimator, and performs the first stage of a PCR re-stamping process. Mux_out merges all incoming data streams, inject informational packets, enforces the TS output flow bit rate, injects Null locally generated, and performs the second stage of a PCR re-stamping process. The behaviour must be configured using an embedded MicroBlaze processor. Between the processor and the core an AXI interface is available, but also a PLB interface to be compliant with older design.


  • DVB streams selection and routing
  • It allows standard PSI parsing procedures to be implemented in the embedded processor
  • 7 independent TS input ports and 1 PSI port to build custom output TS
  • Priority level management
  • Both AXI and PLB interface implemented
  • 512 out of the 8192 possible incoming PIDs can be selected and internally reallocated
  • Bandwidth estimation and PCR Adjusting to avoid video issues at the receiver side
  • In conjunction with MW_MUX_OUT whatever routing topology can be achieved (e.g. multiple modulators feeding)
  • Inexpensive implementation with reduced FPGA resources.

Typical Application

Performace and Resource Utilization

Family Device Slices SliceReg LUTs DSP48E1 BRAM Speed(MHz)
Artix®-7 XC7A200T 3135 6008 6200 0 10
Zynq Z-7020 3135 6008 6200 0 10


The core, delivered as is, is warranted against defects for two years from the date of purchase. Sixty days of phone and email technical support are included, starting from the delivery date.


The core has been verified through extensive simulation and physical implementation with Vivado® Design Suite on Xilinx Artix™ 7 and Zynq-7000 technology.


The following deliverables are available:

  • FPGA netlist and Xilinx ISE or Vivado® Design Suite constraint files
  • User guide
  • Block level design document
  • VHDL test bench and test vectors

Optional deliverables:

  • Fully synthesizable VHDL source code
  • Synthesis script for XST
  • tcl script for Vivado® Design Suite