The MW_AES core performs the digital baseband function that can be used to protect electronic data…
The MW_DAB modulator core performs the digital baseband function for the transmission side…
Our specialized and skilled FPGA/SoC team can take responsibility for a complete design…
We are experienced provider of high-quality, silicon-proven IP core solutions for FPGA…
We have expertises in DSP modeling and development, specializing in architecture and…
We provide board and system-level RF design services to develop and build high-quality…
Mindway SRL offers System, Custom Electronic Design and Circuit Board Design Services..
.We specialize in new product development and R&D, addressing the most challenging issues…
We support our customers at every stage of the Functional Safety Development…
AMD Free Online Workshop
September, 27th 2024
Start: 10AM – Language: ITALIAN
Performed by MINDWAY
This FREE online workshop will introduce the tools and techniques available to debug AMD Versal™ devices. Attendees will learn about features for debugging the fabric (programmable logic) and the available hard blocks. The workshop also introduce ChipScoPy APIs, which provide the Python interface to program and debug the Versal devices.
Starting from the Versal device design flow all debug features for programmable logic (PL) and hard block debugging will be enumerated then will be described how debug the Versal device using different debug IP cores and how to use the ChipScoPy APIs for hardware debugging.
After completing this Workshop attendees will have the necessary skills to:
▪ Describe the different tool flows for Versal devices
▪ Identify the debug interfaces in the Versal devices
▪ Utilize different debug IP cores, such as the AXIS ILA and AXIS VIO cores
▪ Identify the different hard block debugging tools
▪ Describe the Versal device debugging techniques for JTAG low-speed debug and high-speed debug port (HSDP) debug
▪ Utilize ChipScoPy APIs for hardware debugging
Here you can send us your subscription to this workshop